Thursday, October 18, 2012


Annoyed doesn't even begin to cover it.  I don't complain too much about Walmart because, well, they're Walmart.  I don't expect much.  But after the near-mouse experience the other day, I figured they owed me. Apparently they didn't.  I have decided this up-coming long weekend is the perfect time to update my photos.  Unfortunately I haven't printed photos since last year.  So the other night I was at Walmart to order January-May.  I was able to pick those up last night without a mouse experience.

Yesterday I ordered June-August online, planning to also pick those up last night.  I was fearful from the start because immediately after posting the order I got an email from them saying my order was "delayed" and to please contact the store.

I did contact the store...went in in person...last night.  The gal working had no record of my order but suggested maybe they were at the Walmart across town.  I think she thought I was just going to get in my car for that 1 hour round-trip excursion at 7:30 PM.  NOT!  I asked her to call them and see if they were there. No, they were not.

So I picked up the other photos I ordered and decided to check my bank account, having paid for the online order with my debit card.  Sure enough.  I've been billed for them.  Seriously?  Seriously!  I'd like to tell you I'm off to Walmart this morning to deal with this problem but alas, I am not.  I am off to the central part of the state with the bffs for a 4-day dance workshop.  Walmart will have to wait until next Monday.  Maybe they'll have solved my problem by then.

But probably not.

Meanwhile, don't expect anymore blogging from me for a few days.  I'm not taking  my broken computer with me.  And I'm not taking the king's Kindle with me either.  I'm so nice.


Mary Beth said...

Ugh - Walmart!
I too have a complaint about Walmart lately. The shelves are EMPTY! I get that Sunday night the shelves have been cleaned out, but shouldn't they plan ahead for this & stock heavily on Fri & Sat nights. Even on a Tuesday afternoon, there are empty shelves. I don't know if they are slow in getting their trucks or not ordering enough, but it stinks!

Shelley said...

I want to gripe too! JUST got back from there. I even mentioned to Andy that we didn't even make it to the back of the store without having to excuse FOUR people or groups of people that were blocking the main aisle. Grrrr....
Finally get to the checkout and apparently everyone in the store decided to check out at the same time. So we chose one of the long lines. Of course it was the worst possible line to get in. There was a lady on one of the store scooters in front of us. No worries, right? WRONG! She sat at the end of the belt while her stuff was being rung up. So I couldn't even unload my cart. She had an 8-10 ish little boy with her and a dog. Not a "handicapped helper dog". Just her chihuahua. At least she, Princess, was on a leash as she was barking her head off cuz she needed to pee. Meanwhile the lady hands the cashier two for food (assistance I'm assuming) and a gift card. Then she goes on to tell the cashier that she might not have enough money. It gets totalled and she owes $58. Nope. Not enough. So she starts digging through her bags. "Here, take this off". One at a time until she finally gets down to $30. Perfect. Sadly, it takes her 4-5 minutes to find enough change in her purse to cover the change. The dog is screaming and she just keeps saying, "I know, Princess. Mommy's hurrying. " Seriously??? Then off they go, until the boy reminds his mom that they didn't get their bags.
To top it all off, we (as with every other customer...except dog lady) get accosted on the way to the exit by a salesman trying to get us to switch our cable and Internet.
Just another day at Wally.

J said...

Wow! Looks like you struck a nerve with this one!