Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Becky's Analogy

My niece, Becky, has an awesome blog.  This is perhaps one of her most clever posts, and I begged her to let me re-post it here.  Becky's in her early 20's and single.  She's looking for love!  I love her analogy!

Over the years, I've had to create slightly humorous analogical situations to express the current standpoint of my dating life.

In 2009-2010 ish, I created a story about my "island". On this island, I was the ruler (of course), but I had several advisers. These advisers consisted of my most trusted guy friends. The only guys I trusted at the time. The rest of the guys in the world were just partying on the island. But once one of them did something to harm me in any way, they got voted off the island. Sometimes they would only be banished to swim in the sea...but most of the times they got fed to sharks or something.

Anyways. Since that time I have not had a new analogy until a few months ago. I'll give Amy the credit of coming up with it to begin with. I just embellish it from time to time. So here is my explanation of my car analogy (per request of Lauren Budge).

So I'm driving a car, right? From time to time, there will be a guy in the passenger seat. The guy I'm currently interested in and who is doing most things right. Sometimes there will be another chilling in the backseat. That guy is a great guy, but I'm not as interested in him as I am with the guy in the passenger seat. And then you have the trunk. Guys get thrown in there if they've done something to get them in the dog house. They have potential to return into the main seating though. Meanwhile, there are hitchhikers. These guys are the ones who just really don't try. But I still hold onto them. They could get in the car anytime they'd like...if they'd make effort. And last, but not least, you have the guys who get hit by a semi. They're special...

So yes. Kind of fun.


J said...

Agreed! I read Becky's blog sometimes just because I know there's a good chance she's written something humorous. I love the car analogy!

Mary Beth said...

Great writing Becky!