Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Gilligan's Island

On Friday, I hosted a game room for the last 45 minutes of the day as a reward to students with no "F"s.  They didn't all come to my room, but it was one of the options they could choose from.  The school has a lot of games, and they hang out with friends and play. (I did have some 7th grade girls trying to drum up some drama, but I promptly put a stop to that.  There is no drama allowed in my room.  I have zero patience for it.)

Anyway, a group of kids were playing a trivia game.  I'm not sure what it was called, but they were having a good time.  There would be a question with multiple answers, and they got points for each answer.  They were doing pretty well until they got to this question...Name the people on Gilligan's Island.  They were stumped!  They are far too young to have watched it originally, and apparently it doesn't re-run on any of the channels they watch.

So Jeanette and I came to their rescue.  There are 7 of them.  Can you name them?  We got them all and got them quickly!  The answer is below...

The Skipper
The Professor
Mr. and Mrs. Howell
Mary Ann

Good times!


Shelley said...

Yep! Got 'em. Didn't even have to sing the song.

J said...

What Mrs. Lagge didn't tell you is that she got 7 points in the game!

Mary Beth said...

I had to sing the song to get them all. Thank goodness no one was around to hear me!