Monday, October 1, 2012

Big Change

This will SHOCK the people who come to visit us.  They will not believe it, and I'm still wondering how I'll host book club, but we did it!  We moved the tv into the living room.  We haven't had a tv in the living room for YEARS...since way before we moved into this house.  And frankly, the layout of this room isn't really conducive to it since there's only one wall.  But we moved stuff around, pulled a chair out, added the recliner, and we'll see how it goes.  It comes with all kinds of "issues" like can the king and I ever agree on something to watch??? And I did slam my leg into the couch today.  But I'm willing to give it a little time.


Shelley said...

Yep! Shocked for sure. But you sillies....the tv would mount perfectly above the fireplace. It's about the right size too. I'm so happy for you guys though. I'd die without my tvS.

Mary Beth said...

Looks like a big change. I would run into the furniture too - it's in a different spot.

kathi said...

I'm thinking you need a BIG TV in your living room!!!

I get alot of work done around here in the afternoon when I have the TV on and can listen to the talk shows. Takes some of the pain out of housework.....