Friday, October 26, 2012

Pack The Place In Pink 2012

Last night was the annual Pack The Place in Pink event.  I don't think the turn-out was as big as in the past couple of years, but the place was definitely packed.  Even better, our JV team won their volleyball match in 3 straight games, and our Varsity girls won 3-1!  Wahoo!  Best of all, there was lots of money raised for a great cause.  The volleyball coach (who started this even when she got cancer several years ago) said last night that the first year they only sold about 800 t-shirts.  This year they ordered 10,000 shirts!!!  While we played West high last night, I saw on facebook that Senior also was sporting their own pink shirts yesterday. This is a true community event, and all funds raised stay in our region!  A special thanks to the king who worked the concession stand last night while I was taking pictures!  And thanks too to J for keeping me company and taking some of the photos you see here.  Until next year...

 The princess got to call the cheers last night!

 The prince didn't do much cheering last night,
but he did help with a stunt. 
 He had a great time though.
No photos of him stunting (crowd was in the way),
but here's a photo of him earlier in the day
with one of his cheer peeps.

Storming the court after the WIN!


J said...

Impressive event we won! I blame Game 2 of World Series for the empty seats.

Mary Beth said...

Sweet! Looks pink-a-licious!