Monday, October 8, 2012

Merry Christmas

The King bought himself an early Christmas present.  He got a Kindle Fire.  He's been looking at e-readers for awhile.  He likes to read but is too "busy" to go to the library (really, that's what he told his mom--that and something about the gas it takes to get to the library about 3 miles away), and he was really wanting one that is easy to use and has back light.  Low and behold I noticed that Best Buy has dropped the price of the Fire because they have an HD version out now.  Since he wants it primarily for reading, he doesn't care about the HD feature.  Yesterday he motored on over to Best Buy and hooked himself up.  He charged it a bit and by last night he had downloaded a couple of books from the library (with some help from Jeanette) and was happily reading away.  I would like to point out that it was MY library account he used, and MY Amazon account he used, thus when he logs on, the computer now thinks that's MY Kindle!!  :)  And I have to say that it was relatively easy to upload those books.  I had heard you needed a certain Adobe program on your computer and that basically you uploaded the book to your computer and then to the reader (I think that might be true with older readers), but here he logged into the library account, chose a book that was available as an electronic version AND was Amazon-friendly (that seems to matter), clicked a few buttons, and it was loaded!  The Kindle was plugged into the computer at the time, and it did take him to the Amazon site to finish (he was not charged).  So I wish him very happy reading.  I'm pretty sure him getting a facebook account is only months away now!!


J said...

I'll understand if you delete my post, but he could have done it without me if he'd just READ the directions :-) Men!

Mary Beth said...

Sweet! I might need a Kindle if it's that easy to download from the library. I have to put it on my computer first then onto my Nook. Lucky...