Sunday, October 14, 2012

The Birthday Bash!

We got to help Kathi celebrate her 50th birthday last night!  It was a great time.  Lots of her closest friends/family, adult beverages (you can tell by her squinty eyes that she might have had a few before we arrived), pizza, cake, and lots of laughs.  The crown and scepter are compliments of us.  She wore them all night, as any good birthday princess should do.  Happy Birthday, Kathi...and many, many more!

 Her bff ordered this cake for her.
How cool is it?
And it was delicious!

These guys were good sports to hang out for a bit with the goofy adults.  
They did make a polite exit after pizza!
They are lucky to have some really great family!


Mary Beth said...

Looks like a great party. Hope your birthday bash was great, Kathi!

Birthday Princess said...

Gosh I didn't remember Sharmi taking these pictures until just now....

PS: Rum and coke has lost a little bit of it's charm for awhile.... I've been thirsty for 2 days.

I hope everyone had as much fun as I did!