Saturday, October 27, 2012

Senior Night!

Last night was Senior Night at our last game (and last home game) of the season.  We played one of the other schools in town.  They were ranked #1 going into this game.  We were ranked at about #7.  I must be honest and say that I didn't think we would win.  I was a Debbie Downer.  Our best receiver was benched for getting in a fight at school earlier in the week.  But it was Senior Night, and we do have a senior to be honored so we bundled up and headed out, dragging our Florida friend with us to take photos.  (It's okay.  It was good practice for her up-coming Antarctica trip!)

 Seniors posing for me before the game.

 Practicing a stunt before the game.  

It was only about 30* when the game started and got colder as the night went on.  During a stunt at the end of 1st quarter, one of the girls being lifted fell. I'm not sure what happened, but I saw her wobble and then fall in a direction where there was no one to catch her.  The prince said he "heard a thud" behind him.  She was taken by ambulance to a local hospital.  I believe it was precautionary, but we certainly hope it's nothing serious.  Cheer can be very Scary!

 The princess found friends and blankets to help keep her warm!

 The proud family!

 Those cuties!
I held it together pretty well, but when they posed for this picture I almost had a tearful mom moment!

So back to the game.  We ended up staying to watch the whole thing, because--whodathunk?--we were winning at half time!!!  The other team scored first, but they never scored again, and the final, GLORIOUS score was 24-7!!!  It was GREAT for our team.  This is their 4th win in a row.  I like to think they are hitting their stride now.  They will probably still be ranked 7th (there's one more high school game to be played today before final rankings come out), but they will definitely play in the playoffs, although it will most certainly be an away game.  That's okay.  Our boys won on the road last week and will probably be playing a team they beat earlier this season!  Go Falcons!!

Finally, here are a few of the boys with the City trophy.  Having beat both of the other teams from our town this year, they will hold the trophy this year.  I'm quite sure this has not been in their possession in YEARS!  Great job, boys!!

And I just have to give a shout-out to my Lockwood kids!  Over and over last night, many of the big plays were being made by kids from the Wood!  What a great night!


Mary Beth said...

Sweet! Bring on the playoffs - hope they win & win & win!

Wendy said...

Oh, what a fun night!! It was senior night here last night too. I was getting all emotional just thinking of being out there with Zach next year! I was totally thinking about you and Mitch and wondering if you were just a tearful mess. I would be.