Sunday, October 7, 2012

That Boy!

Dinner Conversation Tonight:

Me:  Do you have any homework?
Prince: Only to learn a song for choir.
Princess:  That's what he was doing when I called him to dinner.
Me:  No.  I heard very loud bass booming.
Prince: No, that was choir music.
Princess: Yes.  He was singing when I knocked on his door.
Me:  NO!  There was loud bass.
Prince:  Only while I was pooping!
Me:  That's going on the blog.
Prince:  Cool!
Princess:  Do you have a pooping CD?  Music to poop by?
Prince:  No, but I should make one!


Shelley said...

Hmmm.....sounds normal to me. And I find that a little scary!

Mary Beth said...

I'm with Shelley - this conversation would happen at my house too. And mine would be just as proud of it as yours is.

J said...

Like father, like son!