Tuesday, October 23, 2012

I asked for it.

Today in Crazy Town:

6th grader:  May I use the restroom.

Me:  Will it be quick?

6th grader:  I don't know.

Me:  Wrong answer.  If it's not quick, you may not go.

6th grader:  Well it's #2.  I just don't know.

Okay, I totally set myself up for that.  And yes, I let him go.  And yes, he was reasonably quick.


Shelley said...

Yep! You did ask for it. Glad everything came out okay. (Pun intended!)

J said...

Sharmi, Shelley.... both of you are just too funny!!

Wendy said...

oh.my.word. lol!

Mary Beth said...

Oh man, you totally asked for that conversation!