Tuesday, October 23, 2012

"Don't take my picture!"

Bwahahaha!  The one with the camera has all the power!!

One more dance funny:

Aunt Lynelle and cousin Amanda came to watch a bit of the princess at the start of the Modern workshop.  Think of Modern as, "You're a tree.  Become the tree.  Feel the tree.  Shake your leaves."  It wasn't that extreme, but that's kind of the way modern is.  

Amanda was sitting next to me, and I told her, "You could do that."

She said, "No.  I would feel stupid."

I said, "They don't feel stupid."

And in true, teen honesty she said, "Well they should!"

Oh, Amanda!!


LizSkabe said...

Cousin Amanda wins my vote.

J said...

Too funny....and great dance photo! She does not look happy with the photographer :-)

Shelley said...

I HATE modern dance. Sorry. I just had to say it.

Mary Beth said...

I have some of these photo's too...

Oh Amanda, you too could join in the fool-making if you would give it a chance.