Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Maybe she's not ready...

Yesterday the princess asked me if I have scheduled her appointment with the DMV to get her driver's license.  I have not and told her I'm not sure she has all her hours in.  I'd have to check.  (I don't think she's close and will be driving a few more months before I make the appointment.  By the way, the earliest she can take it is about December 7 anyway, but appointments should be made a month or so in advance.  They are sooooooooooooooooooo busy down there...see post from summer!)

Last night she drove us home from dance.  About 30 minutes later I went to throw something away in the garage and heard a weird noise.  I wondered why the dryer was echoing in the garage.  Upon further inspection it turned out she'd parked the car and turned the lights off but HADN'T TURNED THE CAR OFF!!!  Oops!

The king recommended opening the garage door for a few minutes to get rid of the carbonmonoxide.  I relayed the situation to the princess who promptly posted it on facebook (which give me implied permission to post on the blog!)  And so maybe, just maybe, she's not ready to get that license yet!  Let's hope I have enough gas to get to work today!


Mary Beth said...

Hilarious! Good thing your garage is next to your house and not below a second story.

J said...

Good thing you found it before you had to drive to work!!

Shelley said... you have a carbon monoxide alarm? Might be a good time to get one if not. It's funny, but a little scary too.

Kathi said...

Wait a minute.... she didn't even take the keys out of the ignition?